Springtime Massage

Spring is around the corner! For most of us this marks the end of our winter hibernation and a re-awakening of our bodies. It is this time of year where we begin to recondition our bodies for outdoor activities; baseball, soccer, beach volleyball, etc. It is also the time of year where we can easily injure our bodies due to our need and rush to become active again after the long winter. Massage Therapy is an ideal way to help prevent and, rehabilitate injuries, and help with overall performance.

Massage Therapy can be used before, during, after, and in between activities. It is designed to help prepare your body for peak performance, recover after a big event, drain away fatigue, reduce muscle tension, promote flexibility, function well during training and prevent injuries. However, it is also good for individuals with injuries, chronic pain or restricted range of motion.

Celebrate the change of Seasons and detoxify, and renew your mind, body and spirit!

Give the Gift of Massage

Special days like Valentines Day, gifting those you care about with a massage gift certificate is one of the very best gifts you can give.  Whether you are single or in a committed relationship, this time of year can be used as an opportunity to embrace self worth and love or a luxurious treat of therapeutic touch to relax and unwind for someone you love.

Massage relieves the body’s stresses and relaxes the mind, promoting healthier well-being.  Set aside a few hours during the next few months and pamper yourself.  Treating yourself to a massage will put you in a better mood, you’ll also bring more cheer to those around you, so really, you could think of getting yourself that massage as your gift to everyone!

So, rather than waiting until the last minute and spending too much on a gift no one really wants or needs, for friends and family, young and old, massage is the ultimate gift.  For more details, please call Jennifer Medeiros – 519.569.9890.

COVID-19 Update

Due to the State of Emergency announced in Waterloo Region this past week and the mandate put forth by PHA and my governing college (CMTO), I will be temporarily keeping my Massage Therapy Clinic closed at this time. As I am unsure as to when it will be safe to reopen, I will be contacting clients on a weekly basis who have an upcoming appointment to cancel their treatments and will be placing them on a rebook list for when this outbreak has passed.