Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope you get to enjoy this holiday season and have a chance to relax with family and friends. I just wanted to give a clinic update, as 2022 comes to a close. The clinic will be close from the evening of December 23rd until January 3rd. Just a reminder that pre-screenings will no longer be sent out prior to appointments. This will end when the clinic reopens the beginning of January. Please continue to self-monitor and contact me to reschedule your appointment should you exhibit cold, flu, or COVID-like symptoms. Masks will still be mandatory in the clinic and waiting room areas until further notice.

I have recently taken another course on modern cupping to continue to advance my skills for client benefits. This advanced cupping course covered treatment for different scar tissues, pathologies, magnet cupping therapy, nerve tracking, and cupping for deeper muscles in the body. Modern cupping is wonderful for those who have nerve conditions as it uses negative pressure to treat neural problems which can help reduce tension and pain. Cupping can also help with muscle adhesions, lymph drainage, increasing circulation, and reducing inflammation in the body. Sometimes our bodies soft tissues don’t respond as well to manual therapies that apply positive pressure, such as massage treatments, so cupping can be a good alternative instead. Every individual’s body will react differently to cupping as we are all unique; if you are interested in receiving cupping treatment, book a massage or ask me if cupping may be right for your next treatment. I look forward to seeing you in the new year!

In Health,
Jen Medeiros

COVID-19 Update

Due to the State of Emergency announced in Waterloo Region this past week and the mandate put forth by PHA and my governing college (CMTO), I will be temporarily keeping my Massage Therapy Clinic closed at this time. As I am unsure as to when it will be safe to reopen, I will be contacting clients on a weekly basis who have an upcoming appointment to cancel their treatments and will be placing them on a rebook list for when this outbreak has passed.