Lift With Your Legs

Do the Twist and… Ow!

Has anyone ever told you when you were lifting something heavy to lift with your legs and not to twist? There is a good reason behind those words of wisdom. Lifting heavy objects with your back while you twist or turn can cause herniation to a disc between your vertebrae. But what does that mean exactly?

Between almost every vertebrae in your spine, there is a small disc that contains a gel like substance inside. Herniation can occur when there is trauma to one of the discs and the interior gel squeezes out. Since many nerves run from between your vertebrae towards your limbs, this can cause pain when the herniated disc compresses the nerve. The most common way someone can herniate a disc is by rotating their upper torso while carrying an intense weight and bending slightly backwards. This is why it is very important to maintain the proper posture of bending your knees and lifting with your legs while carrying heavy loads.

The majority of people who are seeking treatment from massage therapists usually complain of some sort of back pain. People who suffer from degenerative disc disease are in greater danger of herniating a disc than those who do not have the disease because their discs are weaker. Regular massages can help with injury prevention, as working on muscles around the spine maintains their tissue health by keeping them lengthened and spasm free. This will help keep the muscles strong to support the spine.

Snow Shovelling Aches

A lot of people dislike winter because they visualize snow, cold weather, and a shovel. Winter weather can be a real pain, especially for your low back and arms if you don’t shovel snow properly. Not only is shovelling snow hard work, but it can make you really sore too!

The key to preventing low back pain and sore arms is all technique and allowing the weight of what you are lifting to be done with your legs, which are larger and stronger muscles than your arms and back. Remember to bend your knees to take the stress of the weight off other muscles and push the snow when you can, instead of lifting and throwing. Lifting and throwing uses arms and low back muscles which are smaller and weaker muscle groups than your legs. Over-using the smaller muscle groups with snow shovelling can cause strain and achiness to your low back and arms. If you have to lift and throw due to high snow banks, remember not to twist or turn your body but to throw the snow forward.

Massage therapy is really important in the winter time. Not only are you using some muscles that you don’t tend to work out on a regular basis, but the cold weather also causes muscles to tense up faster than in the other seasons. If you suffer from muscle aches due to winter or have had a strain due to snow shovelling or other winter activities, book a massage today!

COVID-19 Update

Due to the State of Emergency announced in Waterloo Region this past week and the mandate put forth by PHA and my governing college (CMTO), I will be temporarily keeping my Massage Therapy Clinic closed at this time. As I am unsure as to when it will be safe to reopen, I will be contacting clients on a weekly basis who have an upcoming appointment to cancel their treatments and will be placing them on a rebook list for when this outbreak has passed.