Tendonitis – Golfer and Tennis Elbow

Sports are great to be involved in no matter the age of the athlete, but what if you have aches and pains that prevent you from doing what you love to do? Tendinitis is one of those injuries that may not act up outside of doing a certain activity but with your sport, it may stop you mid swing. It is an overuse injury which causes inflammation to the tendon that is constantly being used.

In golf, the inner elbow tends to be affected by tendonitis quite frequently whereas in tennis or other racquet sports, the outside portion of the elbow tends to develop the tendonitis. Many athletes may get frustrated because rest does not help with this injury and it probably won’t get better without treatment.

Massage can help an athlete return to the sport that they love by reducing scar tissue and adhesions that have built up in the region. Stretching and a heating pack may also help between treatments. Don’t forget to book your massage in the summer months! It will help maintain your muscle tissue health and help you adapt better to your summer activities, getting you back to the activities you love.

If it has been awhile since your last massage, you will find a significant change when you come back for your regular treatment. I am pleased to announce that I now offer debit and visa as methods of payment. No more running to the bank before your appointments or trying to remember to bring a cheque! I’m sure everyone will find this a very convenient service.

A Runner’s Nightmare

If you are a runner, this is what you need to know so that your body will be able to last throughout your running career. Running is tough on the body in general, but it affects certain areas more than others. Your legs are one area that is going to take a bit of a beating.

Runners may find that the outside of their upper leg will get very tight. This long band that runs on the outside of your leg is called the Iliotibial Band or IT Band. This tight band may also cause pain in the knee. It attaches down by the kneecap and because the IT band gets tight, it can actually pull the kneecap out of alignment when you bend your knee causing pain when you run or squat.

If you are in athletics of any kind, it’s important to take care of your body because your body is what keeps you in your sport. If you don’t take care of it, injuries of different sorts can occur. For runners, it’s important to stretch the muscles in the legs. Hamstring and quad stretches are important, but don’t forget the outside of your leg as well. The IT band attaches to a muscle that can get tight if not stretched; ask your Massage Therapist how to properly stretch the outside portion of your upper leg to avoid injury and tightness in that region. Lastly, remember to book in to see your Massage Therapist on a regular basis for injury prevention treatment and to help with those tight muscles. It may help you to keep running years down the road.

COVID-19 Update

Due to the State of Emergency announced in Waterloo Region this past week and the mandate put forth by PHA and my governing college (CMTO), I will be temporarily keeping my Massage Therapy Clinic closed at this time. As I am unsure as to when it will be safe to reopen, I will be contacting clients on a weekly basis who have an upcoming appointment to cancel their treatments and will be placing them on a rebook list for when this outbreak has passed.