I hope you are doing well, staying healthy, and staying safe. I just wanted to clarify that since Registered Massage Therapists are still allowed to work during lockdown, my clinic will be remaining open during this time. If you have an appointment with me in the month of January, I will see you then! Appointment times are booking up fast for January 2021, so if you don’t have one booked in yet, you can do so on my website. I hope you have a great Christmas holiday and New Year and I will see you in 2021!
Gradual Clinic Restart
As many of you are already aware, restrictions were lifted earlier this week by our Provincial government for medical practitioners in other healthcare fields such as Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, and Massage Therapy to allow us to reopen our practices. As a Registered Massage Therapist our governing body, the CMTO (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario), informed us yesterday that restrictions to our practice are now altered to allow for essential treatment for clients with conditions that are worsening or where their health and function would greatly decrease without Massage Therapy Treatment. Due to this announcement, I will be reopening my clinic for such treatments, however, new policies and procedures are necessary to be put in place to help keep clients and therapist healthy and safe. As RMT’s have had limited time to prepare for reopening so far due to lack of information from the CMTO, there are several infection prevention measures that need to be added into a clinic for the reopening to take place that can only be ordered online (ie. Proper PPE, Health Canada approved disinfectant etc.) Since I am waiting for the arrival of these products for my clinic, I will delay my clinic’s reopening until Monday, June 8th, 2020. This delay will also give me time to contact the clients whose treatments I have had to cancel in the past three months for rebooking. I will also prioritize the clients who have contacted me since the pandemic and temporary closure of my practice to book them in as well. If you have contacted me during the pandemic or have had an appointment cancelled due to COVID-19, I ask you to please be patient as I make phone calls or emails in the next week for rebooking. Online booking will continue to remain off and I will not be booking new clients as my current clientele is my primary concern and priority during this time.
As my clients, there is other important information that you must know prior to your appointment. All changes that will be made to my clinic are infection prevention measures put in place to keep both client and therapist safe. These are mandatory standards set by my governing college due to the fact that Massage Therapists and clients interact within two metres of distance. Some of these changes include:
Education. I have recently obtained appropriate training on safely using and disposing of PPE, related to droplet and contact precautions by completing the resources offered by Public Health Ontario’s “Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Fundamentals” that include: 10 Core Competency Modules and Hand Hygiene E-Learning.
Pre-Screening. When you receive your reminder the day before your appointment, you will be asked to complete a COVID-19 pre-screening form. You will click the link to open the form in your web browser. Clients will be asked to complete the pre-screening form before every appointment. If it is not completed, you will receive a phone call to be virtually screened.
Mandatory use of a mask for client and therapist. Both client and therapist must wear a mask during the treatment and when they are within 2 metres of each other. Clients must bring their own mask (clean disposable or cloth mask) to be worn during the treatment. If the client does not have access to a mask, one will be supplied to the client. If a client refuses to wear a mask during their appointment time, as the therapist I will refuse to treat you. The therapist will be wearing a clean medical grade disposable mask that will be discarded and replaced after every appointment.
Hand hygiene. The client will be asked to sanitize their hands immediately upon arriving in the clinic and after the treatment. As a therapist, I am also required to sanitize my hands before and after interacting with every client.
No visitors. Please refrain from bringing your children, spouse, any other family member or friend with you to your appointment.
Client to client interaction. Prior to COVID-19, client to client interaction rarely occurred as thirty minutes has always existed between appointments, however, to ensure proper sanitation of touch points in the clinic, if you are early for your appointment or see another vehicle in the driveway, please remain waiting outside the clinic until five minutes before your treatment time.
Cleaning of surfaces. Proper cleaning and disinfection will be done to all touch points and equipment used before and after each client (including but not limited to: table, chairs, lotion bottle, hand rail, etc.)