Therapeutic Cupping

Therapeutic Cupping has taken place around the world for thousands of years. Cups have been used to remove or “suction” away unwanted materials from the body such as pathogens or pains since Ancient Egypt and has been found in texts from different culture such as Chinese medicine and Ancient Greece. Cups can affect the tissues in the body up to four inches deep which in turn can remove substances from the muscles and even within organs to the surface for the body to clear it out. Unlike massage therapy or other bodywork, cups use negative pressure to manipulate the tissues and separate adhesions that may be present. They can also stimulate vasodilation (the opening of blood vessels) to allow fluids to move under the skin and can be used for lymph drainage to decrease swelling at an injury site or after an operation.

When receiving cupping treatments, its important to know that cupping marks can appear on the skin for a few hours and up to a few days afterwards. Although cups can cause bruising if used improperly by applying them for too long a duration, the cupping marks themselves are not bruises and simply fade away over time instead of changing shape like a contusion might. Just remember to hydrate sufficiently after receiving a cupping treatment so that you clear out any stagnant debris that is brought out of the muscles and soft tissues. Drinking lots of water helps rehydrate the muscles (since cupping draws water out of your tissues as well) and helps your lymphatic system clear away the waste.

If you are interested in receiving cupping therapy and would like more information on this form of treatment, contact me at: [email protected]. Book your massage today!

Massage and Asthma

Happy New Year! January is here and with it comes colder weather. In the heart of the winter season, many individuals who suffer from asthma and other lung conditions can find it harder to take a deep breath. The upper airways can narrow, even in healthy people, due to the dry, cold air. These cold conditions can make it a struggle for the lungs, can cause an asthma attack, and in turn can be associated to spasms in the respiratory muscles.

Massage therapy can help with these conditions if treatment is focused on the muscles that help with respiration. Stripping between the ribs (along the intercoastal muscles) as well as throughout the diaphragm (which is the main breathing muscle) can help a person take in air a little easier. Loosening these tissues can aid an individual in relaxing their breathing muscles, ease their struggle in taking a deeper breath, and may even prevent asthma flareups.

If you or someone you know struggles with asthma or another lung condition, book an appointment today!

COVID-19 Update

Due to the State of Emergency announced in Waterloo Region this past week and the mandate put forth by PHA and my governing college (CMTO), I will be temporarily keeping my Massage Therapy Clinic closed at this time. As I am unsure as to when it will be safe to reopen, I will be contacting clients on a weekly basis who have an upcoming appointment to cancel their treatments and will be placing them on a rebook list for when this outbreak has passed.